Sunday, April 6, 2008

13.1 Race Report

Sun 04/06.- Woke up at 5am, got ready, my friend Elliot picked me up at 5:40am and off we went to downtown St. Louis for the GO! St. Louis race. Got there at around 6:40am, parked at the Union Station parking lot, stopped at the bathroom and literally ran towards the starting line.

I was supposed to meet another friend, Steve, since we had planned to run it under 1 hour 40 minutes. We agreed to meet where the 3:20 pacer will be... I made it there and the race started so I couldn't look for him. Elliot stayed in the back.

The race started right at 7am. Felt absolutely amazing... the weather couldn't be better (upper 40s and sunny) and everything seem to be just right.

Here's my split times (mile/pace)

Mile Pace
1 7:36
2 7:29
3 7:28
4 7:12
5 7:31
6 7:40
7 7:33
8 7:43
9 7:34
10 7:53
11 7:46
12 8:26 -WTF!
13 8:40
14 1:49

Ok... so you're probably thinking: 'nice sprint at the end!'.... I was so mad!!!
As you can see I was doing pretty good towards my under 1:40 goal, I remember checking my Garmin at mile 9 and my avg. pace was 7:34... I though: Great, if I pick up at 11.5ish I'll do awesome.
But right after that, the side of my right knee started to hurt and a few minutes later so did the left one - this is an old injury I developed a little over a year ago. They said I have lateral hamstring tendonitis. Did PT and all, a bunch of hamstring stretching. Stretched religious everyday for a while and then less and less. The freaking thing came back last December while I was running my first marathon in Memphis, TN.... and... it came back again today. So at mile 12 I slowed down and at mile 13 I was even slower... I was pretty disappointed because I was so close but my legs wouldn't go fast no matter how hard I tried. I was running/limping, probably looking like an 88 year old person... I guess the way I ran plus my face could tell it all.... the spectators will go: 'C'mon man, you can finish, it's just a cramp' - 'You're almost there, shake it off!' and I even heard: 'that guy's in serious pain'... and I was!

Crossed the finish line, got my medal, a space blanket, some agua and walked towards the volunteers who were getting the chip of the shoes. Official chip time: 1:42:20.
Stretched a little bit while I waited for my friend and later we came back home.
A recovery drink/smoothie, a couple of fish oil pills, 2 ibuprofens and a nap later I went for a walk with the familia. Then ate and now here I am writing this.

Gonna try to get a 30 min massage tomorrow. It's my rest day too. Plus my training plan has me on an active rest week, perfect timing!

That's all folks!



Sara said...

awesome run! You crushed my sub-2 hour goal and you were injured! I can only dream to be that fast one day. Enjoy your rest and recovery week!

davegibb said...

Great job man. I was wondering how you did. Hopefully that pain was just an isolated incident. Take it easy the next little while. Glad to hear the news about Cancun. Since you're there, you may as well do the 70.3. You got a new bike to race it right?

triguyjt said...

you were smoking on those splits....
its been years since i hit close to a 7:12 for one mile...

good luck in the Half ..and by all means, do cancun half...I was thinking of making that a race on my sked in next couple years.....

best of health

monica said...

congrats on your finish!! even injured, you still kick my ass!!! fish oil, good for inflammation...hope you were able to get that massage!!