Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The flu is everywhere!!

Wow... what a season eh? Everybody is sick.... I mean everybody! A couple of days ago I was at Walgreen in line for 35 min to get some meds!
People at work call in sick or take a family sick days.... wherever you go you hear people coughing, or sneezing or they sound all stuffy! Take lots of vitamin C.

It's about 9:30PM (central) and the weather channel says it's 17 but it feels like 5... so yeah, those who are sick will probably get worse and the ones who are not sick...yet, will most likely get sick. Man, I don't know about you but I am ready for some spring weather. Crazy thing is, on Thursday the temp is going to go all the way up to the 50s... so it goes up and down in a matter of hours.... the result: lining up at Walgreens for 30ish min.
I feel my body has been fighting it bad. Hopefully I won't get it.

Today it was 1 hour of spinning class and right after it I got on the treadmill (yuck!) and ran 2 miles. - As you can see, I HATE the treadmill.... it usually hurts my lower legs and especially my shins.... the good ol' shin-splints. -

Going to go for now. Will check what's on my tivo for a few min and then hasta maƱana...



Anonymous said...

It does seem like everyone is sick lately. I've been trying so hard to avoid it and have somehow stayed healthy (knock on wood). I hope you can stay away from the flu as well!

Jenniferlyn said...

I hear that - crazy sickness! I am glad that I have stgayed healthy... knocks on wood!

Great blog!

a.maria said...

i am indeed doing ironman lawrence 70.3...


Patricio said...


Yup.... I am registered for ironamn 70.3 in KS June 15! My first HIM!!!
Should be fun!!
Have u done 70.3s before?

(I also commented this under ur blog... wasn't sure - sorry!)

Sara said...

I feel like I am fighting the same cold. I am willing myself not to catch it...I hope you win the battle too! Drink lots of fluids...that reminds me I need to go fill up my water bottle!

Sarah said...

I.hate.the.treadmill!! I feel ya there! Thanks for visiting me :)