Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's day!

Yesterday was sort of an unexpected rest day for me. The little one was sick so me and my wife divided the day to stay home. Had to run errands, ended up not having time to go to the gym. There goes my day off for the week.

Today we had a very decent running weather day, well kind of... it was in the 40s and sunny. Went for a 6.2 miler with my friend and felt great. The wind was a bit strong a couple of times but not big deal, we enjoyed it.

After the run my friend invited me to lunch, we went to one of our fav places: Pantera's Pizzeria. Apparently this restaurant has been around for a while. A few years ago there were some of them in the Missouri and Illinois area and now there is only a couple left. It's a simple small 'hole in the wall' type place. Ate lots of pizza and chicken wings, great combo huh? oh, and perfect recovery meal too...LOL I was so full all afternoon and part of the evening. The instructor at spinning kicked our butts and I made an extra effort to sweat Pantera's out.

But anyway great work out today, like I said I ran 6.2 at lunch then had 1 hr spinning class and finished it with a 1,000 meters slow swim.
Not sure what I'll be doing tomorrow, maybe some weight training and consider it as an active rest day. Got a 5 mile race on Saturday and a long run on Sunday, I sure hope we get ok weather.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Starting today I have one year left in the 30 - 34 age group... yup, it's my b-day :) Funny how you related your b-day with the sport.

Hope everybody has a wonderful Valentine’s! (don't eat too much candy and chocolate :) )



Jenniferlyn said...
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Jenniferlyn said...

Well I mistyped and forget that you cannot edit comments - I originally said that I am jealous about the weather in the 60's - but I meant 40's... :o)

Keep up the great work!

Patricio said...

Yup... we got lucky yesterday weather-wise but the good luck is over. It's in the teens and this weekend we are having some snow... :(